- 18,998 overpriced
- Volo, IL
- oldride.com
This car has an incredible story to tell. Bought new by the new york yankee's and presented as a gift to baseballs greatest, joe dimaggio, at the 1991 old timers day event held at the yankee stadium. It was presented to dimaggio in commemoration of the 50 year anniversary of dimaggio's 56 game hitting streak, a record that has still not been broken to this day. The car was delivered to dimaggio's miami home where he used it until his death in 1999. It is very unusual for a celebrity to own a car for that many years! After his death, the car remained in his family, going to his granddaughter, kathy dimaggio stein. In 2006 the car was sold during a two day "joe dimaggio collection" auction held by the estate. The auction was quite controversial because many felt the items should have gone to the city of martinez, dimaggio's birth place, where the city would have constructed a "joe dimaggio museum" to house the items for fans to see, instead of being dispersed to private collectors. This car was purchased and placed in a private collection preserving its originality and dimaggio usage. The car had 65,013 miles at the time the dimaggio estate released the car. It's had less than 900 miles put on it since. It still retains all of its original paint and interior which are in remarkable condition. The car is an amazing piece of sports history and celebrity history. Besides being owned and driven by the baseballs #1, who is also known for his marriage to and everlasting love for marilyn monroe, the car has its own story and claim to fame with its time in the spotlight. The car is fully documented with original mercedes warranty booklets in dimaggio's name, a letter of authenticity from his granddaughters, a fl dmv statement, carfax and more. The sale of the car also includes a full photo album of private, unpublished 5x7 photos taken during the 1991 old timers day event.
18,998 Volo, ILVolo, IL at oldride.com